Why enter

The 7th annual New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Conference & Awards brings together the entire tunnelling community for an interactive and immersive day filled with case studies, debate, future project updates and the Tunnelling Awards.

By joining us you can make new connections with project leads, gain insight into design and delivery innovations and understand the scope of future opportunities across sectors. Whether you are designing a challenging shaft, delivering a complex transport tunnel or seeking to raise the profile of your solutions, this conference and awards is a great place to network and learn.

Winning a Tunnelling Award not only provides you and your team with the recognition you deserve in a gala evening dinner celebrating your achievements, but also a host of other benefits that you might not realise:

  • Be recognised by clients and the entire industry as leading the way in the tunnelling sector   
  • Benefit from exposure to our independent judging panel make up of industry clients and experts
  • Promote your business as a champion of innovation and gain increased exposure during the entire event
  • Increase your brand awareness across the industry and receive unprecedented exposure from New Civil Engineer coverage online and in the magazine
  • Promote your firm as a truly great place to work and showcase your position as an employer of choice leading the charge tunnelling  

Don’t miss your chance to win a New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Award. Entry deadline extended, and you have until 26 July to submit a winning application.

Please note that judging for the shortlist will be based on written submissions so be sure to include supporting evidence.


Be recognised by clients and the entire industry as one of the leaders in the tunnelling sector.

Brand awareness

Benefit from sharing your achievements with our independent judging panel. The panel consists of industry clients and leading experts. Increase your brand awareness across the industry and receive unprecedented exposure from New Civil Engineer coverage online and in the magazine.

Thought leadership

Promote your business as a champion of innovation and gain increased exposure during the entire event.

Employer of choice

Promote your firm as a truly great place to work and showcase your position as an employer of choice leading the charge tunnelling.

Top tips

This is your chance to tell your story. All good stories have a structure so whether you are submitting entries for outstanding projects or as a trailblazing leader, remember to structure your entry along the following lines:

  • Beginning: How did your innovation come about, what challenges were you trying to overcome or when did you decide to embrace a change/technology?
  • Middle: What did you do to implement the innovation? Give examples demonstrating why you stand out 
  • End: What were the results and what makes you or your project stand out?

To ensure that your submission is your best work, take a look at our hints and tips below before you start your entry:

  • Make a note of the deadline: you must submit your entry by 26 July so make sure you have this date in mind – write it in your diary or on your calendar, or set notifications on your phone to ensure you don't miss the chance to enter your excellent work 
  • Preparation is key: now that you know the deadline, allow yourself plenty of time to write, develop and submit your entry – coming back to it with a fresh pair of eyes can help you remember important details that may make the difference between being shortlisted and just missing out
  • Make the judges' job easy: write in clear, plain English, avoid too much jargon and use bullet points where appropriate to break up the text 
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling: poorly presented entries lack credibility so don't lose out on being shortlisted on something you could have easily avoided 
  • Involve the right people: if your work was a team effort, involve the other team members in developing the entry – you've got this far through teamwork so make it count 
  • Back up your entry: take advantage of the option to include supporting information with your entry to help the judges understand the impact of your work

Proofread: ask someone else, such as a colleague, friend or manager, to look through your entry before you submit. It can be helpful to ask someone who was not directly involved in the work you are entering – like the judges they will not have detailed knowledge so they may suggest ways to clarify your entry


Hopefully you'll find an answer to your question below. If not, please contact Charlotte Mera +44 (0)20 3953 2067 Charlotte.Mera@emap.com

To view the criteria, create your account, or login with your email and password used to create your account if you have already done so. Select ‘Enter Now’ against the category you wish to view where the criteria will be displayed. If you wish to start your entry at this point any information you add will be autosaved and you can login to complete the rest of the entry at any time.

Enter the email address and password that you used when you first started your entry on the log in page, you will then be taken through to your dashboard and will be able to continue your entry.

You can enter another category by selecting the category you wish to enter from the ‘Categories’ section.

Please contact Charlotte Mera on +44 (0)20 3953 2067, email Charlotte.Mera@emap.com and they will be able to help you with your entry.