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Industry Initiatives 

This award recognises a company or project team, who have created a lasting legacy for the local community as a result of a tunnelling project. This legacy can be through improvements to the local community, environment, social infrastructure, career development opportunities for people living in the region or any other significant impact in social value.

The entry should relate to a project that was substantially completed between January 2023 and July 2024.

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Judges will look for evidence of an initiative that demonstrates:

  • Working with external stakeholders or local organisations to understand the needs of the local community
  • Industry leading examples of putting legacy at the heart of a project
  • Clear goals that drove initiatives to deliver the successful outcome
  • Repeatability of the ideas for future tunnelling projects

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award recognises initiatives introduced or championed within the tunnelling industry which have improved sustainability and reduced carbon emissions and embodied carbon on a project or programme.

The entry should demonstrate how the initiative delivered a positive outcome on issues such as lowering emissions created during the construction phase, using alternative material to reduce embodied carbon in the asset, improving whole life performance in terms or in use carbon emissions or having a positive impact on the environment in terms of sustainability.

The entry should relate to an initiative that was championed between January 2023 and July 2024.

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Judges will look for evidence of an initiative that demonstrates:

  • Working with external stakeholders or industry bodies
  • Industry leading examples and their outcomes
  • Embedded working practices across teams and supply chain
  • Commitment to reaching net zero carbon across the company or project
  • Repeatability of the initiative on other schemes

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award recognises initiatives introduced or championed within the tunnelling industry which have enabled a project or programme team to deliver improved performance with respect to health, safety and wellbeing of the workforce.

The entry should demonstrate how the initiative led to increased health, safety or wellbeing on the project and how it managed risk to improve productivity or boosted morale among employees.

The entry should relate to an initiative that was championed between January 2023 and July 2024.

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Judges will look for an initiative being applied in a project or programme that:

  • Involved dialogue and input with the workforce to fully understand the risks and challenges
  • Shows the drivers for adoption and willingness to learn and improve
  • References industry leading examples either from within the tunnelling sector or another industry
  • Has been embedded into working practices and the supply chain
  • Demonstrates a clear step change and the wider application of lessons learned  

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.


This category recognises projects that are using innovative approaches or pioneering new technology to advance instrumentation and monitoring on a tunnelling project to support advances in design and deliver reliability and insight on the project.

Entrants should use a specific tunnelling or deep excavation to demonstrate the innovation, which can be the application of a pioneering new technology or novel use of an existing solution.

The entry should relate to an innovation that was used between January 2023 and July 2024.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel of our judges in an open session at the Tunnelling Festival in London in December 2024 and feature in New Civil Engineer so you must be prepared to share your concept to a wide audience.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Explain the specific challenge you are seeking to overcome and how the solution better manages ground risk on the project
  • Showcase the specifics of the innovation and how it is different from business as usual
  • Demonstration of the process driving development of the innovation, the research involved, and investment required to make it a success
  • Details of results and feedback, and the potential to change the industry for the better

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This category recognises projects that are driving use of innovative methods and smart technologies within the industry to improve design and construction of shafts for tunnelling schemes and other deep excavations.  

The entry should relate to an innovation that was used between January 2023 and July 2024.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel of our judges in an open session at the Tunnelling Festival in London in December 2024 and feature in New Civil Engineer so you must be prepared to share your concept to a wide audience.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Explain the specific challenge you are seeking to overcome and how the design reduced ground risk
  • Showcase the specifics of the innovation and how it is different from business as usual
  • Demonstration of the process driving development of the innovation, the research involved, and investment required to make it a success
  • Details of results and feedback, and the potential to change the industry for the better

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This category recognises projects that are driving use of innovative methods and smart technologies within the industry to improve the design or delivery of tunnelling work. The work could reduce risk to the programme, cost or stakeholders during design or delivery or help create a better outcome for the client over the lifespan of the asset.

The entry should relate to an innovation that was used on a specific project between January 2023 and July 2024 and can be focused on either the design or construction of the tunnelling project.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel of our judges in an open session at the Tunnelling Festival in London in December 2024 and feature in New Civil Engineer so you must be prepared to share your concept to a wide audience.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Explain the specific challenge you are seeking to solve
  • Showcase the specifics of the innovation and how it is different from business as usual
  • Demonstration of the process driving development of the innovation, the research involved, and investment required to make it a success
  • Details of results and feedback, and the potential to change the industry for the better

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This category recognises projects that are driving use of innovative methods and smart technologies within the industry to improve tunnel the final stages of tunnel construction or during the operational phase to maximise the lifespan of the asset.   

The entry should relate to an innovation that was used between January 2023 and July 2024.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel of our judges in an open session at the Tunnelling Festival in London in December 2024 and feature in New Civil Engineer so you must be prepared to share your concept to a wide audience.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Explain the specific challenge you are seeking to solve
  • Showcase the specifics of the innovation and how it is different from business as usual
  • Demonstration of the process driving development of the innovation, the research involved, and investment required to make it a success
  • Details of results and feedback, and the potential to change the industry for the better

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to recognise organisations driving innovation in tunnel boring machinery and the systems that support them. This can be new products, machinery or technologies used in tunnel boring that help improve efficiency, safety or environmental impacts.

The entry should relate to an innovation used between January 2023 and July 2024.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • A challenge that was overcome by use of this new product or technology
  • Demonstration of how this improves on traditional tunnel boring methods
  • Evidence of the R&D that went into developing the innovation
  • Details of the outcomes from using this innovation
  • How the change could improve the industry moving forward

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

People & Teams 

Nominations for this award are sought to find the individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the industry between January 2023 and July 2024.

Judges will focus on the personal contribution made by the individual, who can be involved in any area of the tunnelling industry from project planning to design, construction or maintenance and at any stage of their career. 

This is not a lifetime achievement award and judges will be looking for an individual who has made their significant contribution in the last 18 months.

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Judges will look for evidence of the individual's impact on the global tunnelling industry in areas such as:

  • Involvement in significant tunnelling projects or programmes
  • Support for adoption of innovative techniques and taking an entrepreneurial approach to their work
  • Solving complex problems or challenge
  • Making a personal commitment to improving the tunnelling industry and the workforce
  • Creating a wider legacy of their work outside of the industry

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award is open to any specialist supplier working with companies that design or construct tunnels or deliver tunnelling related infrastructure. You could be providing a specialist product, material, software, app, professional service or advice that supports the tunnelling work itself or the skills needed to undertake the work.

Your company must have supplied your service to a tunnelling project or projects between January 2023 and July 2024. The project or projects need not be complete.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Clearly articulate the specialist service you provide and the industry problem it seeks to solve
  • Show how you work with project teams to focus on outcomes
  • Explain the specifics of any innovation and how you are challenging any industry practices
  • Explore how you work with wider stakeholder in the project and the importance of collaboration
  • Highlight specific results achieved including any feedback from satisfied customers

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

Nominations for this award are sought to find a young tunnelling professional who, while developing and deepening their experience in the tunnelling industry, has made an outstanding contribution between January 2023 and July 2024.

Judges will focus on the personal contribution made by the individual to successfully bring to market innovative ideas or initiatives, challenge normal practices or played a key role in delivery of technically complex work on a tunnelling project.

The individual could also have championed improvements in health, safety and wellbeing, have put significant effort into STEM outreach in the area in which the project is being delivered or play a key part in improve diversity and inclusivity policies within the business they work for.

The entrant must have no more than 10 years’ tunnelling industry experience. The entry must be backed by two independent referees.

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Judges will look for evidence of the individual's ability to:

  • Drive a team, project or business to technical or commercial success
  • Deliver beyond the client's expectation on a project
  • Improve the tunnelling industry through their own personal commitment and ideas
  • Create a real legacy for the wider industry and share their knowledge

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to recognise a team involved in the construction of tunnels or tunnelling related infrastructure that have excelled in collaboration, delivery and problem solving.

It is open to entire project team or a team focused on a specific area within a project or programme. Team members could be drawn from one company, joint ventures or could it be a multi-company team.

The entry should relate to work that happened between January 2023 and July 2024.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Client satisfaction and evidence of success
  • Shared goals and cultural behaviours across the project team and how this were shared down the supply chain  
  • Specific initiatives that were deployed to create a collaborative culture and the improve areas such as diversity, environmental performance or workforce upskilling
  • Wider impact that team has had and lessons for future projects

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to recognise the very best tunnelling contractor and entries should reflect that. Contractors that can demonstrate achievement of clear business milestones will be rewarded in this category. Firms must be able to provide evidence of continued dedication to delivering innovation, quality and value for clients between January 2023 and July 2024.

Entrants must be able to use their tunnelling projects to demonstrate their technical capabilities in delivering projects beyond the expectations of clients, within budget and on time.

Judges will also consider the firms approach to coping with challenges on site and interacting with the supply chain, looking for evidence of commercial and technical success across this period.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Successful project delivery demonstrating technical excellence
  • Strong relationships with clients, project partners and the supply chain that have benefitted the business and its ability to deliver work above standard
  • Evidence of business improvement and profitability
  • Testimonials and feedback from satisfied clients

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to recognise the very best tunnelling engineering consultancy and entries should reflect that. Consultancies s that can demonstrate achievement of clear business milestones will be rewarded in this category. Firms must be able to provide evidence of continued dedication to delivering innovation, quality and value for clients between January 2023 and July 2024.

Entrants must be able to use their tunnelling projects to demonstrate their technical capabilities in designing projects beyond the expectations of clients.

Judges will also consider the firms approach to coping with challenges and interacting with partners, looking for evidence of commercial and technical success across this period.

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Judges will be looking for entries that meet the following criteria:

  • Successful project delivery demonstrating technical excellence
  • Strong relationships with clients, project partners and the supply chain that have benefitted the business and its ability to deliver work above standard
  • Evidence of business improvement and profitability
  • Specific results achieved including any feedback from satisfied clients

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.


This award seeks to recognise excellence in delivery of a tunnelling project or tunnelling-related element of a project up to the value of US$100M that was completed between January 2023 and July 2024.

Judges will be looking to reward the project that best meets or exceeds the design brief and client expectation but that has also sought to advance industry best practice and used collaborative approaches to deliver the work.

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Judges will be looking for schemes that can demonstrate:

  • Client satisfaction with clear evidence of the project meeting the brief
  • High quality of design with evidence of use of innovative, industry-advancing techniques
  • Excellence in delivery including use of innovative construction methods
  • Clear evidence of team working to create a collaborative and inclusive culture
  • Evidence of efforts to improve skills and diversity in the workforce
  • Evidence of sustainable use of materials and methodologies

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to reward ground investigation that stands out for it’s innovation, quality, sustainability and value engineering as part of a tunnelling project between January 2023 and July 2024. Projects entered into this category should have elements within the design and delivery that focus on minimising risk from unexpected ground conditions.

The ground investigation must be completed at the time of entry, but it is not essential for the tunnelling project, for which the ground investigation was undertaken, to have started or have been completed.

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Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Innovation in planning and delivery of ground investigation to generate quality geotechnical or geoenvironmental data to enhance the design and delivery of construction work
  • Demonstration of delivering value and quality for clients
  • Use of innovative techniques and technical excellence
  • Collaborative delivery through close relationships with clients and the supply chain

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.

This award seeks to recognise excellence in delivery of a tunnelling project or tunnelling-related element of a project up with a value of over US$100M that was completed between January 2023 and July 2024.

Judges will be looking to reward the project that best meets or exceeds the design brief and client expectation but that has also sought to advance industry best practice and used collaborative approaches to deliver the work.

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Judges will be looking for schemes that can demonstrate:

  • Client satisfaction with clear evidence of the project meeting the brief
  • High quality of design with evidence of use of innovative, industry-advancing techniques
  • Excellence in delivery including use of innovative construction methods
  • Clear evidence of team working to create a collaborative and inclusive culture
  • Evidence of efforts to improve skills and diversity in the workforce
  • Evidence of sustainable use of materials and methodologies

Each entry should be supported by a maximum of three images. Images should be in landscape, more than 1MB in size, in jpeg/png format and should not be edited to include details of the category or the name/logo of the company entering (or any other annotations). Additional text (other than diagram annotation) included in supporting documents will not be used by the judging panel. The images might be used in marketing material and featured in New Civil Engineer.